NESSAN Epilepsy Course

NESSAN epilepsy course is starting from 24th July, 2020. Subsequently, it will be held every Tuesdays, 8 to 9:20 PM. No prior registration is required. The sessions will be hosted on WebEx. We will share the link every week in groups and website.
e-EEG course

Pl. do not try with multiple email IDs. Contact us if you do not receive confirmation in 48 hours. We will contact you in due course (By 25th May) with further details.
NESSAN e-EEG course

Pl. sign up at the home page with all the details and we will get in touch with you.
4th NESSAN Meeting

4th NESSAN meeting will be held at New Delhi on 11th and 12th August, 2018 at Aerocity. Pl. confirm your registration for providing accommodation.
"EEG In Clinical Practice" Released

EEG in clinical practice released on 1st February 2018 by Prof. Jerome Engel at NIMHANS
EEG in Clinical Practice

"EEG in clinical practice" is available online through Amazon ( and Manipal University Press ( sites.